Is AI Technology Helping Us?

Chat GPT and all these other AI (artificial intelligence) tools are pretty cool. You can get incredible information and creative content based on the gazillion data stored online for many years. Combining your thoughts or prompts with the “genius” of brilliant people through the years can help you post great stories, blogs, essays, you nameContinue reading “Is AI Technology Helping Us?”


My name is Ryan Stratton and I wrote a book called “Crossroads.” It’s a forty day devotional and I am really excited about it! You’ve been in a position and situation where you have had to make a big decision. You may have felt an overwhelming sense of dread or anxiety because you keep tryingContinue reading “CROSSROADS DEVOTIONAL IS AVAILABLE!”

Preparing a Sermon

Pastors know this. Sunday’s coming whether we are ready or not. The question is, are you ready to preach and proclaim the Word of God with confidence and humility? In this video, I outline the “steps” I have learned to understand the scripture. I hope this helps. Even if you are not preaching, this videoContinue reading “Preparing a Sermon”

How to Read the Bible

The Bible is the book that has changed millions of lives over the last few thousand years. It is a life changing book. This “book” has changed my life. Yet, the Bible can be challenging to read. John Wesley, the 18th century founder of the Methodist Movement, called “searching the scriptures” (reading and studying theContinue reading “How to Read the Bible”

Beginning a Disciplined Life

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” “If you could change anything anything about yourself, what would it be?” These are questions we all get asked, or we ask ourselves. These are good questions, but I think a better question would be “how much are you willing to do/change to achieve theContinue reading “Beginning a Disciplined Life”

On The Lord’s Prayer

Making An Eternal Impact

READ SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:13-21 13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” 14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance ofContinue reading “Making An Eternal Impact”


Do you like to wait? There are times I have trouble waiting for my drink at McDonald’s to be poured, and I’m the one pouring it! Waiting is important and is something that is good for us to practice.

Let’s take a journey through the book of Acts.

REDEEMED: The Rescue

One of the great aspects of going though the season of Lent personally before heading straight to the resurrection is that we have a chance to slow our lives down and really contemplate the full life and death of Jesus Christ before we witnessing him rise from the dead, defeating it’s power forever. We haveContinue reading “REDEEMED: The Rescue”

REDEEMED: A Strange Love

We have begun the season of Lent, a time of reflection, repentance, and turning our lives back toward the gospel. Whether you practice the season of Lent or not (the 40 days before Easter not including Sundays), I invite you to begin this practice this year. Ash Wednesday is the day that begins the LentenContinue reading “REDEEMED: A Strange Love”