Thoughts on Reformation Day

October 31, 1517 is the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the doors of Castle Church at Wittenberg. It was the beginning of what we call the Protestant Reformation. Here we are, 506 years after this historic day and we still continue to be renewed and reformed in our faith. There is soContinue reading “Thoughts on Reformation Day”


What about that phrase stands out to you? Recently, I gave a benediction in worship that used the phrase, “May you have Holy Discontent…”. A few people asked if they heard me correctly. They did. Context. A few years ago, I heard this “non-traditional” blessing, and it stuck with me: May God bless you withContinue reading “HOLY DISCONTENT”

Loving to Life!

INTRODUCTION What does it mean to be “loved to life”? Have you noticed how many people seem to be walking around in a daze, or seem like they live with no purpose? What about those who seem to have lost all emotion and feelings for life? Organizations, churches, work can be the same way. MaybeContinue reading “Loving to Life!”

Neglecting Our Faith

I see it time and time again. Well-meaning people go about their day and ignore the issues they pass. These are people we would call “good Christians.” These people go through the day focused on what needs to be done. Here’s the truth. I can attempt to criticize “these” people all I want. But theContinue reading “Neglecting Our Faith”