What’s Missing? (Parts 1-3)

How we read the Bible impacts what we notice. For example, do we pay attention to the possible time frame between some of the verses? This three part video series should help us see a larger scope of the narrative to see how God may be shaping us.

The Word

When was the last time you remember the Holy Spirit speaking to you through the scripture? If it’s been recently, what was your reaction? Did you obey the words/message? If it’s been awhile, or never, I have a some questions. How often do you read the Bible? How do you prepare your heart and mindContinue reading “The Word”

Thoughts on Reformation Day

October 31, 1517 is the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the doors of Castle Church at Wittenberg. It was the beginning of what we call the Protestant Reformation. Here we are, 506 years after this historic day and we still continue to be renewed and reformed in our faith. There is soContinue reading “Thoughts on Reformation Day”

Difficult Scriptures to Preach From

There are several scriptures that are challenging to preach from. How do we handle them? We take time. We study them. We attempt to understand the original audience and context. In short, we “wrestle” with them. Matthew 15: 21-28 is one of those scripture passages. How do we handle Jesus’ interactions with the Canaanite womanContinue reading “Difficult Scriptures to Preach From”

Sit. Walk. Stand.

I wish I were smart enough to come up with this title and concept, but Watchman Nee did first, and he wrote a great, short book with this same title. Sit. Walk. Stand. This is the picture of the Christian life. It is also the picture and progress the Apostle Paul lays out in theContinue reading “Sit. Walk. Stand.”

Wisdom for Today

Who can you trust? Where do you get the best, most accurate, information out there? How do you know if something/someone is credible? Recently I attended, as a proud parent, of all of my kids promotion/awards ceremonies in school. If I can be biased, I have some amazing and amazingly smart kids. As I wasContinue reading “Wisdom for Today”

The Book of Jonah

FREE BOOK! If you were asked to explain God, how would you do it? What if you only had one book of the Bible, would you be able to explain who God is and what God’s mission in the world is? What if you only had the book of Jonah? This book is a reworkContinue reading “The Book of Jonah”


My name is Ryan Stratton and I wrote a book called “Crossroads.” It’s a forty day devotional and I am really excited about it! You’ve been in a position and situation where you have had to make a big decision. You may have felt an overwhelming sense of dread or anxiety because you keep tryingContinue reading “CROSSROADS DEVOTIONAL IS AVAILABLE!”

Preparing a Sermon

Pastors know this. Sunday’s coming whether we are ready or not. The question is, are you ready to preach and proclaim the Word of God with confidence and humility? In this video, I outline the “steps” I have learned to understand the scripture. I hope this helps. Even if you are not preaching, this videoContinue reading “Preparing a Sermon”

Matthew 13

Take some time to read this parable: “That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “AContinue reading “Matthew 13”