Focus on Jesus

What reminds you of the joy Jesus brings? What helps you to focus on Jesus? Each month, I am privileged to take Communion to our Homebound people. As a pastor, Communion always means more each time I preside over the sacrament and each time I partake of the sacrament. Something is different this month. Division,Continue reading “Focus on Jesus”

What’s Missing? (Parts 1-3)

How we read the Bible impacts what we notice. For example, do we pay attention to the possible time frame between some of the verses? This three part video series should help us see a larger scope of the narrative to see how God may be shaping us.

Life of a Rebel

What trends do you remember it seemed like everyone wanted to do? Remember the man-bun? What about when tattoos became a big deal? Or piercing certain parts of the body? Do you ever find yourself asking how to make sure people will notice you? How about trying to figure out who you are, or who youContinue reading “Life of a Rebel”

Tis the Season for…Plaid?

I’m not sure why I haven’t noticed this before. It was only when a heard someone say, “look at all the plaid” when they saw all the children in worship. I looked around, and sure enough, most of the children were all dressed in plaid. And they looked cute in their Christmas colors. Then IContinue reading “Tis the Season for…Plaid?”

The Word

When was the last time you remember the Holy Spirit speaking to you through the scripture? If it’s been recently, what was your reaction? Did you obey the words/message? If it’s been awhile, or never, I have a some questions. How often do you read the Bible? How do you prepare your heart and mindContinue reading “The Word”

Thoughts on Reformation Day

October 31, 1517 is the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the doors of Castle Church at Wittenberg. It was the beginning of what we call the Protestant Reformation. Here we are, 506 years after this historic day and we still continue to be renewed and reformed in our faith. There is soContinue reading “Thoughts on Reformation Day”

Loving to Life!

INTRODUCTION What does it mean to be “loved to life”? Have you noticed how many people seem to be walking around in a daze, or seem like they live with no purpose? What about those who seem to have lost all emotion and feelings for life? Organizations, churches, work can be the same way. MaybeContinue reading “Loving to Life!”

Neglecting Our Faith

I see it time and time again. Well-meaning people go about their day and ignore the issues they pass. These are people we would call “good Christians.” These people go through the day focused on what needs to be done. Here’s the truth. I can attempt to criticize “these” people all I want. But theContinue reading “Neglecting Our Faith”

Difficult Scriptures to Preach From

There are several scriptures that are challenging to preach from. How do we handle them? We take time. We study them. We attempt to understand the original audience and context. In short, we “wrestle” with them. Matthew 15: 21-28 is one of those scripture passages. How do we handle Jesus’ interactions with the Canaanite womanContinue reading “Difficult Scriptures to Preach From”

Is AI Technology Helping Us?

Chat GPT and all these other AI (artificial intelligence) tools are pretty cool. You can get incredible information and creative content based on the gazillion data stored online for many years. Combining your thoughts or prompts with the “genius” of brilliant people through the years can help you post great stories, blogs, essays, you nameContinue reading “Is AI Technology Helping Us?”