Set Apart

Click here to read Acts 13:1-12. Everything is going great! You have just been called and set apart for a special task, an important mission. You are excited! People have been praying over you and are sending you out to do the work they know you can do. God is with you. As you goContinue reading “Set Apart”

Can’t Be Contained!

Read Acts 12 here. Being told to keep quiet when you know the truth should be spoken is challenging. Being told not to do anything you think is right is challenging. For some, it is more important not to ruffle feathers or to disturb the status quo or cause a disturbance in the force. ButContinue reading “Can’t Be Contained!”

When The Spirit Moves

Read Acts 11 here. Peter had a vision about what God considers clean. Before he had this vision about the animals on the sheet, he was still only focused on “his people.” But he began to understand that God’s Word is truly for all people. There is a little verse at the end of RomansContinue reading “When The Spirit Moves”

It Is Clean!

Read Acts 10 here. “Are these dishes clean or dirty?” This is a common question in our house. Most of the time I can answer with confidence the dishes are clean. But there are sometimes I am not sure because I don’t remember running the dishwasher. My kids are usually the ones who ask thatContinue reading “It Is Clean!”

Being Known

Read Acts 9:32-43 here. What would you like to be known for? This is something I believe we all think about more than we care to admit. Now, I’m not talking about how we want to be remembered after was pass away and move on to life eternal. I’m talking about here and now. HowContinue reading “Being Known”

People Can Change

Read Acts 9:21:31 here. We all, I’m sure, have known people who say they are going to change. And then they relapse into whatever they needed to stop. It breaks our heart and we lose trust. We begin to learn that the person “cannot” change. The reality is people change when the desire for ChristContinue reading “People Can Change”

Holy Interruptions

Click here to read Acts 9:1-20. We have all had those days. Days when we are so focused on completing our job that we do not pay much attention to anything else around us. It can be very easy for “workaholics” to be so engrossed in the day to day tasks and work that weContinue reading “Holy Interruptions”

Hey, Why Not?

Click here to read Acts 8:26-40. I know you have been in this position. Suddenly you feel like you should go to a certain place, or go down a certain trail (road, path, aisle, etc.). You’re not sure why, it’s just a feeling. You go about your business to finish what you came to doContinue reading “Hey, Why Not?”