It Is Clean!

Read Acts 10 here. “Are these dishes clean or dirty?” This is a common question in our house. Most of the time I can answer with confidence the dishes are clean. But there are sometimes I am not sure because I don’t remember running the dishwasher. My kids are usually the ones who ask thatContinue reading “It Is Clean!”

Rise and Walk

Click here to read today’s scripture: Acts 3. One of the best lessons I have heard from prayer reminds us to pay attention when we are praying, especially in public. So much of the time, we tend to want to be by ourselves. We’ll have our eyes closed. We’ll try to keep everything quiet. ButContinue reading “Rise and Walk”

Life in Peace

One of the things I enjoy about Paul is how he can bring the Old Testament to life in profound ways. When we read his writings we can learn more about the Old Testament and begin to look at it as important to our faith today. Galatians 4:21-27 21 Tell me—those of you who want to beContinue reading “Life in Peace”

Giving Thanks

We have so many things to be thankful for. The Thanksgiving holiday is a time when we can slow our busy lives and simply give thanks and gratitude for all that we are blessed with. When I look at my life, I am so blessed and thankful to have the family and friends I amContinue reading “Giving Thanks”

Hardened Heart

As I was traveling to a meeting this afternoon, I passed several people on the side of the road asking for money or in need of some kind of help. To confess, I have to admit that I was thinking negative thoughts about them and tried not to look at them directly. As a personContinue reading “Hardened Heart”