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Filling Positions

Click here to read the passage for today: Acts 6:1-7 CEB. If you have been in any position of leadership, you have heard about what aspects of the organization are missing or need to be redone. Anything that needs to be done can cause some anxiety among people because our first inclination is to fillContinue reading “Filling Positions”

Rise and Walk

Click here to read today’s scripture: Acts 3. One of the best lessons I have heard from prayer reminds us to pay attention when we are praying, especially in public. So much of the time, we tend to want to be by ourselves. We’ll have our eyes closed. We’ll try to keep everything quiet. ButContinue reading “Rise and Walk”

“The Example”

Mark 10:44-45 Whoever wants to be first among you will be the slave of all, for the Son of Man didn’t come to be served but rather to serve and to give his life to liberate many people. True greatness does not lie in the position one has in life. True greatness lies in the attitude and characterContinue reading ““The Example””