Leadership that Encourages

What makes a person a leader? This is the point where I would hear things like, “good role model, smart, think outside the box, knows how to get things done, etc. etc. etc.” But here’s the answer. A person is a leader when there are people following him/her. That’s it. You cannot lead if thereContinue reading “Leadership that Encourages”

God Leads

Click here to read 1 Samuel 17. These are the stories that capture our imagination and restore hope. Rudy, The Karate Kid, Cinderella Man, Million Dollar Baby…these are all stories where the “wrong person” wins. But these stories stick with us. Why? Because of who wins! We love for the underdog to win. Why? IContinue reading “God Leads”

Mighty Acts of God

Acts 2:1-21 The scene.  120 of Jesus’ followers were gathered in the Upper Room. What were they doing? Exactly what Jesus told them to do. Wait. But this was not a sit still, do nothing, kind of waiting. No. They were actively praising and worshipping God through Jesus Christ. Why? Because they knew the power ofContinue reading “Mighty Acts of God”

Revival Can Come

“if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” ~2 Chronicles 7:14 NRSV I see this Bible verse posted on yard signs, in windows, I hear it fromContinue reading “Revival Can Come”

Reaching Our Cities for Christ

Christopher Wright said it well, “We argue about what can legitimately be included in the mission God expects from the church, when we should ask what kind of church God expects for his mission in all its comprehensive fullness.” (Wright, 534) Alongside this line of thinking, another way to look at this is “I mayContinue reading “Reaching Our Cities for Christ”

Rahab: The Past Does Note Define You

How would you describe yourself before coming to faith in Jesus Christ? How is that different from your life now? What do other people think about you? Do your family and friends see something different and new in you since you began to follow Christ? Even if you have be “in church” your whole life,Continue reading “Rahab: The Past Does Note Define You”

Leaders Are Learners

We are well into the new year. How’s it going for you? Are you feeling productive, or do you feel as if you are in the same routine, the same way of thinking, feeling like nothing as changed except the numbers on the calendar? I would like to offer this question, “If, for you, everythingContinue reading “Leaders Are Learners”

Ascended & Reigns Forever

Jesus is… God in flesh, free from temptation, healer and restorer, seeking and saving the lost, betrayed/denied/tried/crucified, and he is Risen and lives forever! This is what we have been thinking about for the last seven weeks. Jesus has done, is doing, and will continue to do incredible things in our midst and in ourContinue reading “Ascended & Reigns Forever”

Loving to Life Pt 4

VISIONING This is one of my favorite things to do – visioning for the possibilities of the future. I have said before that I do much better in bigger picture planning and thinking than I do when it comes to the minor details. The details are important. Visioning is not just about long term planningContinue reading “Loving to Life Pt 4”

Loving to Life Pt 1

You’re in a new organization, work, church, community. You have studied the demographics and have learned about the history of the area. You are excited about the possibilities. Maybe you move to an area that you are not as keen on living in. You see a bleak future, or maybe one that seeks to keepContinue reading “Loving to Life Pt 1”