Loving to Life Pt 4

VISIONING This is one of my favorite things to do – visioning for the possibilities of the future. I have said before that I do much better in bigger picture planning and thinking than I do when it comes to the minor details. The details are important. Visioning is not just about long term planningContinue reading “Loving to Life Pt 4”

Loving to Life Pt 2

MEETING PEOPLE WHERE THEY ARE Last week we began a series to help us love people to life. When we go to a new place, it it easy to assume we know what people need to do. In many cases, we may be right. The best thing to do is to pray, and listen, toContinue reading “Loving to Life Pt 2”

Eternal Hours

OFFICE HOURS Ministry in the Marketplace Part 1 Have you been to a seminar to help you become more productive at work? Have you ever read books or articles on how to lead better at work? Many of us work hard to do better at our job. Yet, there is also a great number ofContinue reading “Eternal Hours”