My name is Ryan Stratton and I wrote a book called “Crossroads.” It’s a forty day devotional and I am really excited about it! You’ve been in a position and situation where you have had to make a big decision. You may have felt an overwhelming sense of dread or anxiety because you keep tryingContinue reading “CROSSROADS DEVOTIONAL IS AVAILABLE!”

God Calls

Click Here to Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10 I don’t know about you, but I LOVE the Old Testament. Yeah, there are many things I still don’t understand, but I do know this, what we call the Old Testament takes up 66% of our Bible, so taking the time to understand the storyline is vital forContinue reading “God Calls”

Gift of Salvation

The date was July 17, 2001. Up until this date, I had always thought I was a person who followed Jesus Christ. This day, something changed my life, for the better. Six to eight months beforehand, I had been having lunch with a friend of mine and his pastor. This lunch turned into a weeklyContinue reading “Gift of Salvation”

Moving Toward Victory

Welcome to the beginning of Holy Week. This is the week, we have been preparing our hearts for as we continue our journey to the cross which will take us through  Palm Sunday (Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem…today) Maundy Thursday (Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, betrayal and arrest…Thursday) Good Friday (Jesus’ death and burial…Friday)Continue reading “Moving Toward Victory”

NEW BOOK: “Jesus Is…”

Kindle & Paperback Editions “Who do you say Jesus is? Some say he was just a good person. Some say he was a prophet. Others say he didn’t exist. CS Lewis says, “A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said wouldn’t be a great moral teacher. He’d beContinue reading “NEW BOOK: “Jesus Is…””

Victory Over Goliath

We all have “giants” in our life that attempt to hold us back from the life God has designed for us. Some of our giants include fear, anger, rejection, comfort, addiction. Join us for this 7-week sermon series as we understand some of the “giants” in our lives and how they can be overcome becauseContinue reading “Victory Over Goliath”

Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit

Do you have your copy of the daily devotional on the Book of Acts? Get your copy here. Paperback version. Kindle version. The Book of Acts tells the historical events that shaped the early church through the powerful, dynamic movement of the Holy Spirit. This power is still available and working today all over theContinue reading “Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit”

Risen & Lives Forever

Where are you in your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you believe all of this stuff you have read so far these past 6 weeks? How would you complete the statement, “Jesus is __________.”? These are questions I invite you to ponder now because if there is anything that is challenging about anything we haveContinue reading “Risen & Lives Forever”

Betrayed, Denied, Tried, Crucified

In the 1924 book by Richard Connell, The Most Dangerous Game is a story of big game hunter Sanger Rainsford and his friend Whitney ending up on an island owned by General Zaroff. The General talks about how he is bored with “traditional” hunting and has moved into hunting the most dangerous, the most cunningContinue reading “Betrayed, Denied, Tried, Crucified”

Can’t Be Contained!

Read Acts 12 here. Being told to keep quiet when you know the truth should be spoken is challenging. Being told not to do anything you think is right is challenging. For some, it is more important not to ruffle feathers or to disturb the status quo or cause a disturbance in the force. ButContinue reading “Can’t Be Contained!”